Вопрос 1 из 10
Choose the appropriate answer. The ... that remains will be unloaded tomorrow morning.
Вопрос 2 из 10
Choose the appropriate word(s). We must be quick. We have ... time
Вопрос 3 из 10
Choose the appropriate answer. Help yourself! You can eat as ... candies as you like!
Вопрос 4 из 10
Choose the appropriate answer. Before an agreement is signed very ... preparatory work must be done
Вопрос 5 из 10
Choose the appropriate answer. Did she put much salt in the soup?
Вопрос 6 из 10
Choose the appropriate form of adjectives or adverbs. The.....you talk about the wedding the.....I like it
Вопрос 7 из 10
Choose the appropriate form of adjectives or adverbs. ... they worked ... results they achieved
Вопрос 8 из 10
Choose the appropriate answer. There aren’t ... French books in our library.
Вопрос 9 из 10
Choose the appropriate form of adjectives or adverbs. Women have ... free time than men. Housework is ... popular task among men
Вопрос 10 из 10
Choose the appropriate answer. Please give me a ... water.