Вопрос 1 из 10
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? А) Examinations are offered in each AP subject at the end of an academic year; a score of 3 or higher generally results in universities awarding advanced standing in that subject. В) Examinations offered in each AP subject at the end of an academic year; a score of 3 or higher generally results in universities awarding advanced standing in that subject.
Вопрос 2 из 10
Какое обращение к женщине принято использовать в деловом письме, если не известно ее семейное положение?
Вопрос 3 из 10
The messages intelexes are usually ______ versions of the sentences we would use in everyday speech or in letters.
Вопрос 4 из 10
Which method of electronic correspondents has all theadvantages of sending a cable and in addition it is available in the office andoffers a direct line, with immediate reply?
Вопрос 5 из 10
Tuition in most of them is___, but some new types of schools are fee-paying.
Вопрос 6 из 10
Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях? А) What are the main goals of kindergartens? В) What activities are practice in the kindergartens?
Вопрос 7 из 10
Выберите возможные варианты: But the road to ___ is not easy. To be successful in studies one must work hard. It's for you to decide to learn and make progress or not to learn to lose your time.
Вопрос 8 из 10
Do they have ___National Curriculum?
Вопрос 9 из 10
What ___your opinion of family kindergartens?
Вопрос 10 из 10
Соедините части предложений: cramming level of preparedness in-depth study of the subject уровень подготовленности углублённое изучение предмета зубрёжка Подберите правильный ответ: