Вопрос 1 из 10
Choose the appropriate pronoun(s). There isn`t ... food left but there are ... drinks.
Вопрос 2 из 10
Choose the appropriate pronoun(s). I can`t imagine there is ... on earth who can answer that question.
Вопрос 3 из 10
Choose the appropriate pronoun(s). Nick hasn`t read ... books by this writer. So he`ll take ... book you have
Вопрос 4 из 10
Choose the appropriate pronoun(s). ... knows the proverb "Scratch ... back and I`ll scratch ...!"
Вопрос 5 из 10
Choose the appropriate pronoun(s). My purse is ... in the kitchen but I`m not quite sure where.
Вопрос 6 из 10
Choose the best answer. Could you go to the store and buy ... milk? We don`t have ... more
Вопрос 7 из 10
Choose the appropriate pronoun(s). He never puts ... sugar in his coffee.
Вопрос 8 из 10
Choose the appropriate pronoun(s). He always looks unhappy. ... in the world can please him
Вопрос 9 из 10
Choose the appropriate pronoun(s). Let`s go ... today as I have a splitting headache.
Вопрос 10 из 10
Choose the appropriate pronoun(s). If you want to contact ... of them, try to do so before lunch break